the items you tote around daily in your beloved bag always seem to change with the season. being in socal, sunglasses are a year-round staple. for the most part i have been anti carrying around a large suitcase looking bag for fear i wont find a thing once i dig my hands in there. in an attempt to narrow it down to the basics here is my version of baggable:
- wallet (the invasion of the credit cards)
- blackberry (although the iphone 4 has surprisingly tempted me)
- pen & paper (always come in handy)
- eyeglasses (yes yes, havent converted to contacts yet!)
- playing cards (dont laugh, i might 'bag' them out)
- lip balm
- mints & gum
- lotion & perfume
- hair clip
what I should probably add:
- camera
- snacks
- ipod (confession: never owned one)
what is your version of baggable?